Terry Babcock-Lumish

Terry Babcock-Lumish (PA 96)

Dr. Terry Babcock-Lumish founded Islay in 2005 to meet the needs of clients committed to effecting positive change, from local to global. Her research interests involve decision-making in financial innovation at the intersection of science, technology, and society. Recent years’ academic affiliations include the City University of New York, the University of Oxford, Harvard University, the University of Arizona, and the United States Military Academy, where she developed West Point’s first behavioral economics program and a partnership with the Culinary Institute of America. Dr. Babcock-Lumish served as the founding Director of Public Policy at the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute, dedicated to education, research, and civic engagement, in the historic New York City home of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and Sara Delano Roosevelt. She has worked in local, state, and federal government, most recently as a Presidential Management Fellow in the President’s Council of Economic Advisers. Upon leaving the White House in 2001, Terry served as a researcher for two books by the Honorable Vice President Al Gore and Tipper Gore. She completed her BS at Carnegie Mellon University, and earned her MPA in environmental and technology policy at the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs as an Eli Lilly Community Assistance Fellow. She read her DPhil at the University of Oxford as a Truman and Clarendon Scholar. In her free time, the Cordon Bleu-trained chef may be found experimenting with new recipes, practicing yoga, or participating in occasional tests of endurance on foot or by bicycle. She lives in Newark, DE with fellow Truman Scholar, US Army Major Brian Babcock-Lumish.