Building tomorrow's leaders today.

Friends is developing a community committed to public service and building the next generation of public service leaders in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.
Your tax-deductible support will help us achieve those goals.

With your gift of $1,000 or more per year, you are invited to join our National Council on Civic Engagement which is launching in 2021.
Exclusive benefits offered to members of the National Council on Civic Engagement include:
- Invitations to private events with senior public officials, public service leaders, private sector leaders, and others in the Friends network
- Invitation to an annual summit with thought leaders as we discuss the future of public service and approaches to improve civic engagement and education
- Public recognition at Friends events and within the Friends network of over 4,000 members
- Other benefits will be extended throughout the year
Checks may be sent to:
Friends of the Truman Foundation
Attn: Tyler Hatch
P.O. Box 28083
Washington, DC 20038-8083